
    Our poodles have a head-to-toe health check with an accredited veterinarian and are sent to their forever homes with updated shots and vaccinations.  In addition, we provide a two-year health guarantee.  
   PooCrew poodles have been tested for generations to ensure they are not disease-prone.

Generational health testing includes OFA's for hips and SA skin and coat, eyes, VWB, Negative for Addisons, and DNA. The impeccable health of our poodles has given them quite impressive AKC champion filled pedigrees.  


   Mouse is our free spirit, a little hippie chick. Her natural love for life and for all, humans and creatures is contagious. Her gorgeous litter definitely have mommies desire to fill the world with more laughter and love. She's a fabulous first time mommy and loves being one! Everyone should have a Mouse in the house:)

click on my photo to see my new BABIES!!!


Ms Meka Bear
My gorgeous red apricot female
Date of Birth: March 2013 Known for always smiling most loving personality. Loves being a mom, car rides, her family, and her cat. Excellent health tested background

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click on my photo to see my new BABIES!!!

Our Current Moms